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I am Carlos, the owner and Foreman of ADK. With over 30 years of experience in the woodworking industry, I specialize in cabinet making. Throughout my career, I have co-owned and operated two successful furniture workshops before opening my own shop, Dichas Ideas, where my passion for creating truly shines.

My extensive knowledge extends beyond cabinetry to include framing, trimming, drywall, and various renovation skills. My hands-on expertise and comprehensive understanding of renovations ensure that every project is executed with precision and care.

Naturally curious and always eager to learn, I continually practice my skills and stay updated with the latest techniques and trends in woodworking. My dedication to craftsmanship and customer satisfaction has earned me a great reputation in the industry, making me an ideal person for transforming living spaces into dream homes.

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Our Story 

It all started with a man named Marcial, whose journey began with a dream and a deep-rooted skill passed down through generations. A Spanish war veteran, Marcial moved to Venezuela seeking better health and the means to support his children in war-torn Spain. In Venezuela, he married and started a new family, eventually bringing his children from Spain. Carlos, his youngest son, was born in Venezuela.


Tragically, Marcial discovered he had cancer and knew his time was limited. Determined to equip Carlos with a skill to support the family, he began teaching him woodworking at the tender age of nine. Although Carlos initially resented the idea, he grew to love the craft. By the time Marcial passed away when Carlos was just 14, Carlos had already developed a strong foundation in woodworking, spurred on by his older brother who encouraged him to join the workshop after school.


Carlos became known in the community as "the son of the carpenter," gaining a reputation for his skill in crafting furniture. Though he pursued other jobs, his passion for woodworking never waned. Eventually, he embraced carpentry full-time, discovering not only a profitable venture but a true love for the work. His dedication led to co-owning and operating two successful woodworking shops.


In this journey, Carlos met and married Dino, a beautiful, intelligent, and capable woman. Together, they launched Dichas Ideas, their own woodworking shop, specializing in cabinetmaking to meet the growing demand. Their hard work paid off quickly, selling 17 new kitchens only in their first month. People loved their innovative, affordable solutions,  and trustworthy contracts. For nine prosperous years, they ran a thriving business until Venezuela's political and economic turmoil forced a difficult decision.


Seeking a better life and ensuring their family's safety, Carlos and Dino emigrated to the United States. Although facing new challenges — such as learning how business works in the U.S, and learning new materials and installation practices — they opened a small woodworking company, continuing their family legacy. With the help of their children, they have established their business, transforming living spaces and lives with their craftsmanship.


We are always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.

Workshop: 754-281-0639

English: 786-972-4355

Spanish: 754-779-3974

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